Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Rubber Neck

I've had enough.  So what, someone got pulled over or has a flat tire, KEEP DRIVING.  You've all seen these people, the ones who will slow down traffic for miles to see why the person on the side of the road got pulled over.  It's ridiculous.  Traffic is difficult enough without idiots slowing down to 40 in a 65 MPH zone to see what's going on. 

Even worse than the rubberneckers is what I experienced last night while driving home:
An idiot of a cop pulled someone over, and poorly I might add.  This cop had at least a car's width worth of shoulder to pull into to stay out of traffic, but he must've been in a hurry to harass this driver because at least 1/3 of his cruiser was out in the middle of the left lane on a busy looping interstate in Central Ohio.

Unless the driver was smoking a crack pipe with a gun in hand, there is NO reason whatsoever that this law enforcement officer couldn't have pulled far enough off of the road to keep the OTHER drivers on the road safe.  THAT, my friends; is a traffic FAIL.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The American Idle

And yes, the spelling of the title was intentional...
Have you ever pulled up to a stop light and witnessed someone singing their heart out as if all of America was watching?  I laugh a bit inside everytime I witness this, although there are times when I'm guilty; I'm sure we've all had our moment where we just had to sing along.  But sometimes you see someone doing this and you wonder if they realize they're in public...
Picture this: An old man, in an early 90's Mitsubishi Eclipse with the windows down, jamming along to Eminem & Rihanna with the volume high enough to be heard over my music with the windows up.  Not the worst thing you've heard?  How about if I told you he was singing the part of Rihanna...  This guy defines the title of my blog: Traffic Fail.
(Thanks to Kimberly for suggesting this post.)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The $50,000 turn signal

Turn signals are a key instrument of driving. They allow the driver to notify nearby drivers of the need to either switch lanes or turn onto another road.
Wait, why am I explaining what turn signals are for, that's one of the first things you learn in drivers ed...
Have you ever been driving and all of a sudden a guy in a (insert luxury car here) pulls up next to and slightly in front of you; and you know he wants in, but no signal? Why does this guy think he can break all the rules and courtesies of driving?  Do we owe him something? 

I'll tell you how I treat this guy, and it's up to you whether or not you want to do the same...  I do everything in my power to prevent this guy from merging.  If you can't take 1/2 of a second out of your busy day to hit the little lever next to your heated, leather-wrapped steering wheel to notify me of your merging intentions; you don't deserve to merge in front of me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The 4-way stop guy

When sitting at a 4-way stop, occasionally i come across what i call "4-way stop guy." I'm sure you've been around this guy, he's the one who takes way too long to go when it's his turn.
The world would be a better place, and I would be home sooner if that guy would pay attention and go.
Don't be 4-way stop guy, or girl.

The Purpose

After 11 years of driving in Ohio traffic, I've made the bold decision to start blogging about the continued lack of common sense exhibited by Ohio drivers. I don't honestly expect anyone to waste time reading this, it's primarily going to be of use for me to vent about the daily 60 minutes or so I spend in my 04 Honda Accord wondering where "these people" come from.
Enjoy the ride!