Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Last Minute Merger

We as a society have become so caught up in the now.  Everything's instant.  We're constantly on our cell phones texting, calling, checking email, reading news, checking weather, etc.  I get that, and as a technology consultant who's career revolves around collaboration and content management, I appreciate and embrace it.However, there comes a point where we need to slow down a little.  I get in this situation pretty much daily, but it got to the point today where it took a serious dose of self-calming to not initiate road rage.  Picture this:  You're in the lane you need to be in to enter the on-ramp for a highway, and dozens of other patient drivers are in front of or behind you.  Some self-righteous idiot talking on a cell phone with two kids, void of seatbelts speedily merges right in front of you and then slams on their brakes as to avoid a collision with the driver in front of them.  
Surely this person could've merged in somewhere along the line, and safely; but no, they're more important than you so they had to narrowly avoid an accident (and potentially cause one further back in line) to merge in at the very last second to get onto the highway.

Why is this acceptable behavior?  If this were a checkout line at the grocery store and this idiot jumped right in front of you just before your turn to check-out, he/she would be ridiculed and told to get to the back of the line. 

Next time you think this is going to happen, safely creep up a little closer to the person in front of you and force this idiot to rethink their driving habits.

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